Sunday, May 30, 2010

South Korea Expands Aid for Internet Addiction

SUWON, South Korea — Neither had a job. They were shy and had never dated anyone until they met through an online chat site in 2008. They married, but they knew so little about childbearing that the 25-year-old woman did not know when her baby was due until her water broke.
But in the fantasy world of Internet gaming, they were masters of all they encountered, swashbuckling adventurers exploring mythical lands and slaying monsters. Every evening, the couple, Kim Yun-jeong and her husband, Kim Jae-beom, 41, left their one-room apartment for an all-night Internet cafe where they role-played, often until dawn. Each one raised a virtual daughter, who followed them everywhere, and was fed, dressed and cuddled — all with a few clicks of the mouse.
On the morning of Sept. 24 last year, they returned home after a 12-hour game session to find their actual daughter, a 3-month-old named Sa-rang — love in Korean — dead, shriveled with malnutrition.
In South Korea, one of the world’s most wired societies, addiction to online games has long been treated as a teenage affliction. But the Kims’ case has drawn attention to the growing problem here of Internet game addiction among adults.
Sa-rang, born prematurely and sickly, was fed milk two or three times a day — before and after her parents’ overnight gaming and sometimes when her father woke up during the day, prosecutors said. The baby died “eyes open and her ribs showing,” said the couple’s lawyer, Kim Dong-young.
After six months on the run, they were arrested in March and charged with negligent homicide. On Friday they were sentenced to two years in prison, but the judge suspended Ms. Kim’s sentence because she was seven months pregnant and he said she needed some “mental stability.”
“I am sorry for being such a bad mother to my baby,” Ms. Kim said, sobbing, during the couple’s trial.
Thanks partly to government counseling programs, the estimated number of teenagers with symptoms of Internet addiction has steadily declined, to 938,000 in 2009, from more than a million in 2007, the Ministry of Public Administration and Safety said in April.
But the number of addicts in their 20s and 30s has been increasing, to 975,000 last year. Many of these adult addicts grew up with online games and now resort to them when they are unemployed or feeling alienated from society, said Dr. Ha Jee-hyun, a psychiatrist at Konkuk University Hospital.
This development and a recent string of cases like that of the Kims have prompted the government to announce plans to open rehabilitation centers for adult addicts and expand counseling for students and the unemployed, groups considered the most vulnerable to compulsive gaming.
“Unlike teenagers, these grown-ups don’t have parents who can drag them to counselors,” Dr. Ha said. He treats an average of four adults a month for an addiction to online games, he said. Two years ago, it was one a month.
More than 90 percent of South Korean homes are fitted with high-speed Internet connections. Nearly every street corner has a computer parlor with computers available for a fee. In these dim, 24-hour-a-day establishments, “the line blurs between reality and the virtual world,” said Jung Young-chul, a psychiatrist at Yonsei University.
Especially popular among adult players are large multiplayer online role-playing games.
In these games, players form alliances and wage battles that can last for days, with players operating in shifts to keep the action. The more time a player spends online, the more powerful the game character — and the player’s online status — becomes.
Cyberbattles can spill into the real world. There have been several reports of players tracking down and attacking others for killing the online characters they had identified with for years.
If the games are addictive, they are also highly commercial. “Items” — cyberweapons, outfits and special abilities acquired through gaming that strengthen their owners’ combat prowess — are traded for real money online. Such trades were valued at more than $1.2 billion last year.
Park Ki-hoon and his wife, Choi Jin-hee, both 37, run a swimsuit shop by day and play online games at night. During the winter off-season, Mr. Park said, he has played up to 18 hours a day and won up to $2,400 a month, enough to cover the rent on the couple’s shop.
If Mr. Park knows how to juggle his offline and online lives, many do not.
In February, a 22-year-old man was arrested and accused of killing his mother for nagging him about his obsessive playing. In the same month, a 32-year-old man dropped dead of exhaustion in a computer parlor after playing through the five-day Lunar New Year holiday. “Some jobless men come here in hope of a financial breakthrough,” said Hong Seong-in, the owner of a computer parlor.
South Korea promotes online games, with exports growing by 50 percent, according to the government, to $1.5 billion last year — by far South Korea’s single largest cultural export item. Its games are hugely popular in China and other Asian countries.
Although the country has become one of the first to address Internet addiction, little help is available for adults.
Computer parlor owners and game buffs assert that compulsive playing has actually been decreasing as the prices of items fall.
Enterprising players in South Korea and China have been running “item factories,” where hundreds of computers are programmed to play the games without human users for the sole purpose of generating items for cash.
“Online games are a culture,” Mr. Park said. “To me, people who hike or fish are as crazy as they think I am.”
*Courtesy:  Choe Sang-Hun - New York Times
                             Park Jin-Hee - International Herald Tribune 
May 29, 2010

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Quitting Facebook Next Week?

The world's biggest social networking site Facebook faces a unique challenge next week when it will possibly get its 500 millionth user worldwide and India may get its 10 millionth Facebook account holder.
Soon after though, on May 31, hundreds of thousands of these folks are expected to quit their Facebook accounts. Not freeze, not suspend, just quit.
These folks may resort to that extreme step because they are angry with Mark Zuckerberg – Facebook's founder and CEO - and his merry band of privacy invaders. Some say Facebook deserves the quitters - it has been acting like an inveterate Web bully who steals your school lunch and then complains to your mother that there wasn't enough to eat.
This is what Facebook has done, according to the Electronic Privacy Information Center, a Washington-based advocacy group: "Facebook now discloses personal information to the public that Facebook users previously restricted. Facebook now discloses personal information to third parties that Facebook users previously did not make available. These changes violate user expectations, diminish user privacy, and contradict Facebook's own representations." These allegations coincide with Facebook making several changes to its privacy settings on April 22 this year. In fact, users were shocked to see 50 different settings with 170 options easily making it the most complicated privacy settings form on the Web.
Ridiculous as these settings are, it drove millions of users to madness, if they weren't already rendered insane by the stupidity of Farmville and the absurdity of the hundreds of other games and apps that Facebook keeps encouraging you to play or share.
SO much is the furore online against Facebook that it is thinking of rejigging its privacy settings again. But would that be too little, too late? When Zuckerberg made the announcement regarding the new privacy settings, he said: "We think that the future of the web will be filled with personalised experiences.
We've worked with three pre-selected partners - Microsoft Docs, Yelp and Pandora - to give you a glimpse of this future, which you can access without having to login again or click to connect." What he forgot to mention is something that EPIC picked up and mentioned in its complaint to the Federal Trade Commission in the US along with 14 other groups. "Facebook has essentially forced many Facebook users to reveal personal profile information that they did not intend to make public," EPIC said.
A site called quitfacebook. com has been set up where users can pledge that they will delete their Facebook accounts on May 31.
Another site facebookprotest. com is doing something similar, but has asked that boycott day to be June 6.
The issue is more than just privacy; the Facebook case could define what information is made public in the future and what is not. It is, without exaggeration, our personal freedoms that are at stake here. With thousands of people opposed to Facebook's new privacy settings, it might well make it more "user-friendly". The only fear, however, is that it may remain so until the next change in settings.

*Powered by: Google News, Yahoo News, AOL

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

First human to be infected with a computer virus

Dr Mark Gasson, a cybernetics expert at the University of Reading, has had a computer chip implanted in his hand.
The chip is programmed to open security doors to his lab - and ensure only he is able to switch on and use his mobile phone.
But Dr Gasson deliberately infected the chip with a computer virus, which was then automatically transmitted to affect to the lab security system.
"Once the system is infected, anybody accessing the building with their passcard would be infected too," he told Sky News.
The virus on his chip is benign. But malicious computer code could give criminals access to a building.
Dr Gasson says his experiment also exposes the vulnerability of chips now routinely implanted in patients.
Heart pacemakers contain mini-computers that control the heartbeat, and communicate with doctors via a special reader held against the skin.
But if a virus was transmitted to the device which stopped it working properly, the consequences for the patient could be fatal.
"The devices will have to start to use security encryption," said Dr Gasson.
"Medical devices should have some kind of password protection as well. They're basic security precautions. It's surprising these devices don't have them already."

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Apple's iPhone 4G to be unveiled on 7 June'10

Steve Jobs is being speculated to launch iPhone 4G on June 7th this summer. Looking at its predecessor’s history the 3G counterparts were unveiled in San Francisco at Apple’s Annual Worldwide Developers Conference last year.

The smart 4G touch magnet is expected to include a front-facing camera and a higher MP back camera, along with other specs like a larger battery which has always been required in the 3G and 3GS models. It is also expected to have Flash support, which I feel can be a huge battery drainer.

Like always, they have been gathering a lot of PR by creating a media hype that their model has been leaked by some irresponsible employee, which in my opinion would not ever be done by an employee of a company like Mr. Jobs’s if the guy wants to ever get a nice job anywhere in the tech market.

If we refer to the Verizon’s launch earlier this year in the States (which I wrote about earlier in my posts), it seems to be the most suitable platform where the iPhone 4G is supposed to end up being co-branded with, moving out from their current partnership with AT&T.

Marketers, be ready for defending your devices and customers, start saving money as I don’t speculate the price point coming down in the near future.

PS. A lot to think, too less time to achieve, but don’t let your 24 hours bind the wings of your thoughts!